haru icon

welcome to haru's bedroom

hi, im haru. my pronouns are he/him. im a fictive of haruka from milgram, and i still fully identify as him. i like to draw and write poetry.

im considered to be a persecutor. that label might be associated with anger and violence, but i really dont want to cause harm to anyone, including ourselves. i tend to be overly anxious about social interactions, especially when meeting new friends. i think im like a sentient manifestation of our anxiety, including the fear of rejection and things like that. but im only trying to keep us safe.

flapping emote

"haru has kinda a negative reputation within the system because of his anger and anxiety, but really he's a sweet guy. he's really pessimistic because of past experiences that we've had, and he just doesn't want us to go through that again. i hope that over time, we can all help him feel more confident."


"he gets so angry and scared for no reason!! i guess i get why he's like that but its dumb because he overreacts so much and always imagines the worst case scenarios!"